This time last year I was gearing up for my first production with BakerNunPixie. It was a fantastic balls to the floor achievement given I was working nights, had never produced anything before and had five weeks to write, shoot, edit and enter the short film into the competition. With a good team around us this proved to be a good experience and I think ForeverTogether stands up quite well in terms of quality productions. There are a lot worse and more shabbily mounted films out there.
So what do we have this year? we have a piece inspired by 2001: A Space Odyssey, Steven Moffat and The Shining. A prequel short to a feature film that combines Dog Soldiers, Jaws and Rab C Nesbitt. Perhaps a little bit more of Eliza (oh how I love that character) and her playthings from Roulette of Horror. We have a new crew under our wing. We have in house editing. We have our returning star actress, and possibly star actors. In a lot of ways we're approaching this year as something new, but with the experience of last year behind us. Which then leads onto more questions, specifically what do we want and where are we going? So in that vein here is a list of actors and actresses I would one day like to meet on set, reading my lines in one of my productions.
1 - Winona Ryder
I've always had a soft spot for Miss Ryder. In fact it was the thought of one day meeting her on set that switched on the flame of feature screenwriting inside of me.
2 - Nicole deBoer
Again, there are ulterior motives for this choice. One of my first major crushes, I've always harboured a desire to meet her in the flesh. But, beyond just physical attraction her performance in the first few episodes of Deep Space Nine Series 7 as Ezri Dax was amazing. More character development and emotional range than was shown in the previous 6 years.
3 - Catherine Tate
Immediately, eyebrows get raised. However, anyone who saw her turn as Donna Noble in series 4 of Doctor Who will be less surprised. At first the loud mouthed bolshy persona would turn people away, but as it developed so did the character, reaching a peak in the episode 'Turn Left' with a tour de force performance of anger, sadness, confusion and fear.
4 - Vanessa Mayfield
Ok, technically this is a cheat because I have actually been on set and heard her reading my lines. But, as the Gov' Elinor Perry-Smith says. "She is our muse" so I look forward to working with her again and again and hopefully again.
5 - Sylvester McCoy
Ok, I'll admit it. Sylvester McCoy was MY Doctor. Hero worship plays a big part in productions. quite a few films have been made just so they can cast their acting heroes in a part. The loveliest and strangest thing I've seen in the past few years is Sylvester in a multi-million dollar movie from an Academy Award winning director. And he's brilliant.
6 - Dylan Moran
Bernard Black is one of the great TV characters, permanently pissed or angry but most of the time both. Anyone who has seen Dylan Moran do stand up appreciates the subtle shifts in his act, quieter moments alongside his bombastic outbursts about the world. Sometimes shifts from stand up to acting doesn't always yield the results we desire, but sometimes it does and it does perfectly.
7 - Matt Smith
Yes, he is the current leading man in Doctor Who and along with Sylvester McCoy my personal favourite. It's the madness and the sadness rolled into one. So based on that I'd love to work with him, on a project that requires melancholy from the soul. It would be amazing.