Wednesday 25 January 2012


Today I discovered how Jerry Bruckheimer feels every day of his life. Man it's stressful. But exciting.

The main things needed to make a film, director, writer, actor.

Out of those three we currently have writers and directors. Waiting for an actress. I hardly slept last night. It's like a nervous excitement because the deadline is so tight, if one thing falls apart then the whole thing may crash.

Luckily, we have a tentative yes from the location for filming and we may hopefully get a discount, which is great for a no budget movie. :)

The script is on its 5th revision, and I've had to put my foot down and say enough is enough. One last edit each. But I know I'll be editing it once more when it comes to location filming, pushing a scene from interior to exterior.

A list of things to buy, black cloth, silver gel pen, candles, incense sticks, photo paper, sexy nightie. Ok, maybe the actress will have her own... But will it be in my size???!!!

The main thing is to have back up and luckily the other guys all know an actress who may be available.

Creating the schedule is daunting, I need to know if the location is available so we can book a filming block, the location wants to know a date for the filming block so it can tell us if it's available. Have I done the right thing by saying I'd try for a 12 hour window between Monday and Thursday without consultation with the Directors? Probably not, but if I hadn't we could lose the location...

So far so good. Written, cast and location booked all within a week. Which would give us 4 weeks to film and final edit. It sounds easy doesn't it?

I hope so......

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