Forgive me for the sensationalist blog title. But, for those if you who are disappointed and will no doubt accuse me of using misleading and teasing headlines to get your attention and then not delivering. You can view it on Netflix or Love Film or buy it on DVD from somewhere that sells DVD's.
Now some of you readers will no doubt by wondering what that intro was all about, and no doubt the rest of you are already on Daily Motion watching clips. But the point is one of interest and readership. My last blog was read by 10 people. My Twitter page has 300 followers. so explain to me how that works. My Facebook page has 22 likes, yet I have over 50 friends. The issue is about rallying communities and activities. Spamming and cold boxing people who may or may not have an interest in your project.
Marketing is an increasingly important tool for independent filmmakers to attract attention and make their voice heard. But as always its about who you know more than what you know. Within my entourage of twitter friends I'm lucky to have two very supportive people, Damien Ahuir. who is based in Ireland and runs the website "Limited-release". He is very supportive and often retweets and follows my projects and project related postings. He even did me a great service with a lovely interview in 2011 when my first ever short film was released, which can be viewed here. This was way before I fell in with the lovely Mrs Perry-Smith and the ruggedly handsome Mr Baker to form Nun With A Gun Productions in association with in which we took Mother Superior's Nun With A Gun Productions and forced it into a small wooden Cell with my portfolio website to create that extremely long name for our working relationship.
The other name that has often been a source of support for me is the winner of Mr Bolton Bulls himself (disclaimer: that competition never took place, it's just that you find his face on almost all of the Bolton Bulls promotional material) I present to you Mr Michael Galligan. [Please skip next paragraph if you do not like sentimentality]
I've been friends with Mr G for over ten years, we met a college and shared a similar twisted sense of humour that involved deep sarcasm, surrealism and the ability to laugh at others in an ironic kind of way. The thing that makes that last part so wonderful was that unlike a high number of people who did that we didn't bring the arrogance, because quite frankly we had nothing to be arrogant about. He will regale you with a story about our brush with Reality TV in an up and coming blog. (In case ur interested I've just been through 15 days of his twitter feed in the last 20 minutes looking for the link. Hopefully he'll repost this @RatedR1882 and he'll have a link for ya) Anyway, he's also been the greatest supporter and listener and friend anyone could wish for and I genuinely mean that. I can count my true, close real friends on a couple of fingers and he's definitely the thumb :).
In reality I need a bigger circle of people or I need other people to have a bigger circle to spread the word and increase interest in upcoming projects. (I will include the names Vanessa M. Ryan H. and Max B. who have been reposters and retweeters recently) But on the other side of the coin, 2012 has been an amazing learning curve for me in which I've thoroughly enjoyed embracing the role of producer and discovered I have little or no interest in being a film director. Even though the the three occasions of co-directing have been good, I can't see it being a full time move.
It's the run up to Christmas which means that there may very well be a review of 2012 blog post. all cheer hooray!! But before you get too happy about that there will also be a what's coming up in 2013 post too.
Merry Gothic Christmas. :)
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