Thursday 7 February 2013

Black And Blue Orchids

So I'm going to start this post with a very strange account. For the first time in my life, on Tuesday February 5th at 16:04pm I had a blackout. Not just any blackout but the kind that includes people surrounding me telling me not to move, blood pouring from a head wound and shouts for a first aider.

Apparently from what I can piece together, a  coughing fit led to oxygen starvation and in turn led to me making the acquaintance of the concrete floor outside the managers office. Luckily, and I mean this sincerely, my glasses took the impact of the fall. I went head first onto concrete and don't have cracks, bruises or lumps. What I do have is a black eye and steristrips. Man do I look sexy!!!!! Yeah, actually I look like a chubby little guy who's walked into a lamp post.

The thing that interests me the most is the reactions and gossiping that takes place around me.

Half the building was very kind and took the opportunity to talk about what had happened to me and ask how I was feeling and even a couple of them took the opportunity to text or e-mail to ask how I was.

The other half didn't know or didn't care enough to ask.

It's quite a sobering thought to think that maybe you're so insignificant to people that when you collapse and bleed you're not worth a minute of people's time.

I recently decided to take a Twitter sabbatical because I found myself increasingly talking to myself more than interacting with followers. Nothing makes you feel more lonely than knowing 300 people want to hear what you have to say and not one of them are interested in replying to your questions. 

The best thing about this post is that some people will read it and go, that's sad. I feel a bit sorry for him. But from experience the majority will turn round and go, look at that selfish self centred attention seeker.

To be honest, it's true that i don't really give a fuck about what people say and think, I'm not a people person. I'm reclusive and withdrawn. I have interests and preferences that people don't connect with. But I have a small circle of friends and that's enough for me.

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